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Soil is fragile & fundamental.

Every single teaspoon of soil contains around one billion bacteria; every cubic metre of healthy soil captures between 12kg and 35kg of carbon.
In the construction sector we destroy and throw it into landfill at a rate of nearly 30 million tonnes each year.

In 2013, soil carbon losses due to development were estimated at 6.1 million tonnes of CO2; this is greater than losses of greenhouse gases from other big emitting industries such as concrete production
(6 million tonnes CO2 equivalent) and the chemical industry (5.2 million tonnes CO2 equivalent).

Compaction can reduce water infiltration by 70-99%, and heavily compacted soil starts to resemble the infiltration characteristics of an impervious surface.
This leads to poor drainage, waterlogged sites and issues with flooding. Compacted soils also cause problems for plant establishment and growth due to a restricted rooting area, particularly for woody plants and trees.

Soil Sustainability - Webinar
Webinar from the Soil Taskforce describing their report 'Building on Soil Sustainability: Principles for soils in planning and construction'.
Includes a presentation of the report and a Q&A session with Industry experts.
Soil In Planning - Bailrigg Garden Village
The document above “Bailrigg Garden Village” is the submission by Farrer Huxley to the Landscape Institute Awards 2022. It provides an insight into the importance of the existing land and soil as fundamental to place transformation.
Bailrigg Garden Village won the LI award for Excellence in Masterplanning & Urban Design 2022
This report contains vital information for local authorities, contractors, clients, developers and design teams. Helping them to understand how to better manage soil in construction and planning to ensure a more sustainable future.
Lancaster University, Lancaster City Council, Cornwall Council, JTP, Farrer Huxley, The Landscape Institute
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